I help to improve the quality of life and develop self-sufficiency, build harmonious relationships and get the most out of life.
Anna Yasnitskaya
I am often asked how to solve a problem quickly.
Меня часто спрашивают, как быстро решить проблему. А как давно ты в ней? Как долго думала «само пройдёт», игнорировала и просто пыталась отвлечься? Прими решение и действуй! Я помогу
How long have you been in it? How long did I think "it will pass by itself", ignored it and just tried to distract myself? Make a decision and act! I will help.
What I give
  • An integrated approach
    I am a certified psychologist, educated at Cambridge, Buckingham and Stanford. She studied with the Chinese guru Mantek Chia, the creator of the "Healing Tao System". She has developed 30 author's methods based on classical Western psychology, Eastern spiritual practices and a therapeutic approach. I am a certified energy practitioner instructor and a Reiki master of the II stage. I have combined all this knowledge and techniques and apply them in my approach.
  • A clear plan of action
    I will take into account all emotional and physiological features, create a program for you personally, with homework, checklists and effective tools. You will get deep knowledge and a plan of action to come to a full life where you are satisfied with yourself and achieve goals.
  • Efficiency and result
    10,000 customers have become happier, have improved their lives and relationships. Couples, women and men from all over the world come to me.
  • Frankness
    You can talk to me openly and without shame on any topic. I will support and help you figure out the most complicated issues, things that you won't tell even a close friend. And all this is absolutely safe and confidential. I'm here to solve problems.
What will you get
  • Unlock the potential and strengthen self-sufficiency
  • You will build a harmonious relationship with yourself and with your partner
  • Get rid of destructive experiences and fears
  • You will love your body and discover new facets of life
For whom
You want more
Everything is great for you, but you feel that this is not the limit and can be even cooler. You want to pump up your abilities and discover new facets in yourself and relationships.
I will help you build a path to a multi-faceted happy life. You will strengthen your self-sufficiency, learn to achieve ambitious goals and dream even more boldly.
Are you looking for yourself
You understand that you need new knowledge and tools to improve your life and build relationships. You want everything to be as you dreamed, and not as it will turn out.
Let's figure out which areas of life should be improved and how to solve emerging problems. You will learn new approaches and practices to build a life and relationships with pleasure.
Are you tired
I have no strength and it seems that I have lost control of my life. You want to correct mistakes, restore faith in yourself and in relationships.
I will help you get rid of the burden of the past, you will discover new opportunities in yourself and in relationships and allow yourself to want more.
  • It will pass by itself
    Love is simple — yes, but only at the stage of falling in love. The candy-flower period will pass, and the relationship will not build itself. It's okay to quarrel, but until when? If you close your eyes to minor problems, it will only get worse. In order to feel good, you need to work with a specialist on the relationship.
  • Too expensive
    Every wish has a price. Beautiful clothes, a dream house, a cool car — we are ready to pay dearly for all this. Is it worth saving for a lifetime of happiness? If you want a harmonious relationship with yourself, your body, with your partner — I will teach you, expertly, for money.
  • And so everything is fine
    A positive approach is good, but let's face it — everyone has problems. Someone takes responsibility and is ready to solve them, and someone ignores and silences. It's not a shame to realize that your life is not perfect, it's a shame to ignore the problem and not look for solutions. My clients are brave girls who were not afraid to admit their shortcomings, came to me and are now absolutely happy.
  • I'll figure it out myself
    Using the Internet and the advice of friends, you can cure a runny nose or cook a pie, but they are unlikely to help solve something that is difficult even to admit to yourself. Friends judge by themselves and their experience, their opinion is biased or incompetent, and are they gurus in matters of happiness? To understand the essence of the problem, filter the information and find the tools to solve it — an expert approach is needed here.
My mission is to help every woman to really live a full life, to feel drive and pleasure, to reveal her potential and not depend on anyone, to develop and blossom every day. You don't need to look for a man or wait for a gift of fate, you need to develop and become so cool that a man will find you himself and opportunities will open up to you.

I studied psychology at Cambridge Arts & Sciences College and Buckingham University in the UK, studied with the Tao master Mantek Chia and advanced my qualifications at Stanford

She founded the largest training center for women in Minsk, developed 30 author's techniques, and wrote a book about happy personal relationships. She has spoken at conferences, radio and TV in the CIS countries and the USA. Together with UNICEF and UNESCO, she was engaged in educating young people and developed a program to fight for the rights of women and children.

She managed to live in five countries and launched five successful business projects. Eight men proposed marriage to me, and tol
Hi, I
Anna Yasnitskaya
individual online session
2 individual online session
It's time to change your life for the better. Your time is coming now!
Reviews of my clients
6353 Miramonte
Irvine 92618
